Greater Manchester Moving

Working with complex systems


Explaining things that are difficult to explain is what gets us up in the morning!

So, when Greater Manchester Moving asked us to help them create a whiteboard animation explaining how to create change within complex systems, we were thrilled to be involved.

Complex problems are problems with no easy solutions; problems where the same input at a different time can produce wildly different results.

In this explainer animation, we outline why it’s so hard to get people to change their behaviour. But also how, if we can accept a little bit of chaos and work with it rather than against it, we’ll see some amazing and positive results!

To find out more about this inspirational project, visit

Artists: Ada Jusic and Alexandra Becker
Tom Barter

Created at our Bristol animation studio at Meriton Foundry in St Philips.



“You did an amazing job to take all the information we threw at you and turn it into a simple narrative with clear, beautiful, visuals. Great work!

We had a really positive experience with Creative Connection; the whole process was well organised and coordinated and ensured we kept to the deadline. The whole team felt assured we would be in very capable hands from the very first conversation we had! Will definitely recommend you to others.”

Emily Woodward-Esseen
Research Communications and Change Officer
Greater Manchester Moving