
The future of hybrid working!


About this project

Work as we know it has changed. We have an opportunity to build the future of work that we want today.

Organisations that will thrive are those that move past ‘making do’ with home working necessitated by the pandemic to intentionally design the hard and soft infrastructure for professional hybrid working for everyone.

WoHo’s vision is to design hybrid work that succeeds for the organisation and the individual, the economy, and the climate, delivering high wellbeing and high productivity, collaboration and inclusivity. Their suite of products and services provide organisations with a competitive advantage to attract and retain the best talent as well as operational cost-efficiencies.

Hybrid working

For this film, we decided to sell the benefits of WoHo and hybrid working by setting it in a fictional future where the problems of home working had already been solved. WoHo was a part of that solution.

We used the artist Ada Jusic for the project because her style is both friendly and clean – a perfect hybrid between corporate office-based imagery and the kind of slice-of-life comic book art that people might enjoy at home.

Visit the WoHo website for more information about them and the future of hybrid working.



“Really appreciate all that you’ve done to support us. We are hoping to have many more reasons to work with you in the future. We were really impressed with how you work, you didn’t bully us into something we didn’t want, it was a truly creative collaboration, you used lots of our ideas, but used your own creative expertise to really make them shine!

Brilliant, and thank you!”

Vicky Grinnell-Wright