Patients Know Best®

 Information Governance Animations


Patients Know Best® are a healthcare data management company providing a single place for your health information that allows you to add to, access and share your health information with healthcare professionals, family and carers – anytime, anywhere.

The brief

It’s important that both GPs and members of the public alike understand how their data will be protected, who it will be shared with and why. Patients Know Best® commissioned us to create two films to cover these different audiences.


The artist

Both explainer animations were illustrated by the artist Tom Stephens, who delivered a warm and friendly tone to what can typically be a dry and unengaging topic.

Visit the Patients Know Best® Information Governance Wiki for more information.



“We asked the team to create a video to explain complex legal information. They talked to us, learned what we were trying to explain and created a really good draft script – it captured the important information whilst stripping out unnecessary details and explained it with plain language. The final video was fantastic to watch; friendly and inviting.”

Gurpreet Sarai
Head of Marketing and Communications
Patients Know Best®