Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board

Animation Project 1: Tricky Friends

Tricky Friends

‘Tricky Friends' are people who exploit the loneliness and isolation of people with learning disabilities and/or autism for money, accommodation, drugs, or worse, are a serious issue in the UK.

Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board wanted a creative digital film to inspire some real change, but they also wanted to make sure that we didn't damage any existing positive relationships that people might already have. Using animation instead of live-action footage helped keep the tone light without damaging the credibility of the subject matter.

Animation Project 2: Hidden Harms

Hidden Harms: Older Adults and Domestic Abuse

Following on from the success of the Tricky Friends animation, comes our second animation project with Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board: Hidden Harms.

While Tricky Friends was aimed at people with learning disabilities and/or autism, this animation highlights the unique challenges that older adults face when domestic abuse occurs.