NHS England

Introducing the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF): A framework for learning and improvement

Project background

To support the rollout of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF), NHS England commissioned us to make this digital explainer animation to introduce staff to PSIRF and the ideas that underpin it.

Creating an accessible animation

Patient safety is of central importance to everyone working within the NHS, and with such a wide staff base as our audience, it was important that the animation be clear, engaging and accessible for all.

We used an eye-catching colour palate and designed relatable and diverse character illustrations to achieve this. We also took great care to ensure that all text used was clear and adhered to recommendations for accessibility.

Artist: Giulia Coppola

Still from the Introducing the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework animation

The launch

The animation was launched to support the publication of the PSIRF document and supporting guidance, and we also supplied still images to complement the rollout of the document. This is a free bonus that we’re always happy to do for our clients so they can use images from their animation in their wrap-around communications in support of their film.

Since its launch in August 2022, the film has had over 46,000 views and counting!

Visit NHS England » Patient Safety Incident Response Framework for more information.


“We are very impressed with the video. It has all come together really well – and we love the images!”

Tracey Herlihey PhD CErgHF CPsychol
Head of Patient Safety Incident Response Policy
NHS England and NHS Improvement