Hertfordshire Family Centre Services

Children and young people’s Integrated Therapy service


CC Animation Studio created a number of animations for Hertfordshire Family Centre Services in 2020, covering school nursing, the service as a whole and most recently, their Integrated Therapy service.

For this animation. we used the artist Caroline Rudge for her illustrative, rather than cartoonish, style.


Other Hertfordshire projects

We’ve created three other short films for the NHS East and North Hertfordshire CCG to help people and professionals in Hertfordshire find out more about the services available through their local family centre service.

All three films deal with difficult issues with a light touch that makes it clear that family centre services are for everyone, not just those with the greatest need for support.

In the first film, the background of children’s crockery, toys and crayons, along with the pastel colours, really helps to create the atmosphere of a friendly service where people will find care and support, no matter who they are.

The artist on this project was Giulia Coppola. She was tasked with creating child-like drawings that retained a high level of professionalism – we think she did a fantastic job of that!



“We are delighted with the final animation”

Andrea Harrington MSc,BSc (Hons) SCPHN (School Nursing),
RGN Operational Manager for School Nursing
Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

School Nursing Website: www.hertsfamilycentres.org


All animations were created in our Bristol animation studio at Meriton Foundry in St Philips, Bristol.