Diabetologia – The Journal for Diabetes


The brief

Diabetologia is an academic journal specialising in all aspects of diabetes research. The challenge was to help academics understand why they should submit their papers to Diabetologia over other journals, and the benefits they’d receive for doing so.

We needed to think about how we could bring creative and relevant visuals into this science-based world, how we could guarantee the engagement of the audience and, most importantly, communicate the message.

The animation

One of the standout features of Diabetologia is the attention to detail in its high editorial standards, so we wanted to incorporate this into the animation.

Throughout the animation, past editions of the journal feature heavily, combined with illustrations and objects and digital techniques such as stop motion, all blended seamlessly together to create a dynamic film with lots of energy, encouraging the viewer to watch to the end.

The animation was launched in October 2018 at a global diabetes conference where it received huge praise and engagement from the audience.



“The animation was shown to over 4,000 people as part of the President’s opening address at a large conference in Berlin. There was spontaneous applause when it finished and we’ve received so much positive feedback that we’re glowing!

The content, message and also professionalism of the animation have been praised. Thank you all so much!”

Managing Editor