United Lincolnshire Hospital Trust

Continuous Quality Improvement


What better way to establish a culture of CQI than with a video?

Using animation to outline and explain how your company culture is changing allows everyone on the team to literally share the same vision of the future. The ability of a good script to condense time and link facts together makes it easy to see just how even the tiniest of improvements can add up to giant leaps in quality and performance.

As a company, we have made many films about this topic and feel that we have really followed the journey of CQI; from the success of the British Olympic cycling team's Marginal Gains programme, through to LEAN, SPRINT and PDSA (Plan Do Study Act!)

We love all of our CQI clients because each one of them is doing everything they can to make their company, their hospital, or their world a better place, one small step at a time. And every time we are invited to join them on their journey, we learn a little bit more about how to make a better and more inspiring animation.

ULHT's CQI Wallpaper!

Our favourite memory of working with ULHT on this project was that after the video production was over and we sent the original artwork to their head office, they framed it and put it on the wall. They call it their CQI wallpaper and were kind enough to take a snap of it and email it over to our office.



“There was a sharing of expertise between both parties, as well as ongoing support from the team – it felt like we were their only customer. The team listened to our vision and recommended suitable experts at each stage who fitted perfectly with the brief we put forward.

The finished animation is brilliant and we’re really excited now that it has been launched via YouTube on the next step of our CQI journey. We wholeheartedly recommend Creative Connection Animation Studio and would have no hesitation in working with them again in the future.”

Sabrina Vinter
Continuous Improvement Programme
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust