NHS South West London: Appraisal Animations

Quotes from NHS South West London staff members:

“I have had numerous appraisals in my career, and after watching this video, it is the first time I have actually looked forward to having one. Very inspiring, the video itself made me feel valued, and I wanted to have exactly that type of appraisal.”


“Despite working since I was 18 (in other companies), this is the first appraisal I have ever had. Initially, I was nervous, but this was more from a lack of knowledge of the process. The video resources reassured me that the purpose of an appraisal was not to be scrutinised but to support my growth and ability to support my team. My appraisal ended up being a really positive experience because I used your videos and support documents to get the most out of my session. I know that my manager also found them extremely helpful”.


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