Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board: Tricky Friends

'Tricky Friends' are people who exploit the loneliness and isolation of people with learning disabilities and/or autism for money, accommodation, drugs, or worse, are a serious issue in the UK. Reading the case studies for this social care animation was really difficult as some of the stories were extremely harrowing.

The brief

Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board wanted a creative digital film to inspire some real change, but they also wanted to make sure that we didn't damage any existing positive relationships that people might already have. Using animation instead of live-action footage helped keep the tone light without damaging the credibility of the subject matter.

We worked with Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board and several experts-by-experience to create this animation. A good balance was to encourage people to have boundaries, keep asking questions and keep talking to their loved ones and carers whether their friends make them feel uncomfortable or wonderful.

Who is it aimed at?

At just three minutes long, this film can be used with or by anyone – carers, family, organisations, groups – to start conversations, bring up key questions and ultimately, prevent a whole lot of heartache and pain.

The success of the film

The film received lots of positive attention and feedback, and other Safeguarding Adults boards across the UK began to ask Norwich if they could create their own versions with their own contact details. So far, over 40 organisations have had their own version of Tricky Friends created, and it has been translated into several languages. Versions include a BSL-signed version and a version that more accurately reflects the diversity within specific local areas such as Newham.

If you are interested in a version of this film, edited to include the contact details for your Safeguarding Adults Board or organisation, please contact and we can put you in contact with the team in Norfolk.

Take a look at examples of the other versions of Tricky Friends here →


Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board: Hidden Harms


NSPCC - Emotional Wellbeing of Children in Care