The Martin Fisher Foundation: Good News About HIV

As an animation company with a focus on Health and Social Care, we are constantly inspired by the life-changing work our clients do. The Martin Fisher Foundation came to us with a fantastic message and asked if we could help them spread it.

Ending new HIV transmissions in the UK is within our grasp

Right now, an HIV-positive person who’s taking their medication can live their full lifespan, entirely without fear of ever developing AIDS, or passing HIV onto anyone else… no matter what they do together.

That’s right.

As long as they are taking their meds, it’s 100% impossible for them to pass it on.

In fact, the only people spreading HIV right now are people like you.

Yes, you.

People who’ve had sex but not had a test.

There are thousands of undiagnosed cases in the UK right now, but if we all got a test, we could end the spread of HIV in Britain this year!

The animation

As writers, artists and editors, this is the kind of project we live for. A chance to spread a message of hope, to chip away at misinformation and prejudice, and to support our clients in the incredible work they do to change lives for the better.

In this animation, we combined real-world props, original illustrations and digital animation ingenuity to take the viewer through the story of how medical advances have brought us such a long way since the 1980s.

Voiceover: Dr Ranj Singh

Share the message!

The animation is FREE to use - in training and educational programmes, on information screens, as part of social media messaging, across healthcare services and on public information websites. Please disseminate this through your professional and personal networks.

Good news about HIV on YouTube →


Marie Curie: Will you help us provide better end of life care and support?


The Martin Fisher Foundation: 30 Seconds to Beat HIV